How is property acquired?

Let Mezcla Enterprise, LLC remove the burden of:

  • Inherited Acreage

    The property that you've had for years or maybe even inherited, but life happened and the taxes aren't maintained. 

  • Abandoned or Distressed Property

    The owner resides out of state and has no reason to return, nor does he want to deal with legal matters.

  • Personal Circumstances

    You may be going through a divorce, a death in the family, a job change, or the first attempt to sell took too long. Or maybe you need to make a quick move and desire to cut out the "middle man.”

  • Expired Listings

    Your home has been listed online. After 30-60 days no movement, you’re ready to move on.


Working with a wholesaler can take a few days to a few weeks, depending on the situation. A rental agreement may be preferable.